
盗撮~ ビジネスホテル






愛人との密会はもちろん、デリヘル嬢を呼ぶ事も可能な男の簡易秘密基地。プライベートユースにおいては過半数が女、その利用目的は多岐に渡る。利用目的は 「出張」 「仕事関連」 のビジネスユーザーと 「仕事以外」 のプライベートユーザー(六割が女性)が半々。夢の共有 ビジホには浪漫がある ターミナル駅や繁華街など交通の要所にある宿泊機能に重点を置いたホテル。シティホテルに比べ客室は狭く、サービスが簡素化されるかわりに低料金なのが特徴。客室はシングルが中心。かつてはビジネスでの利用が主流であったが、近年は低料金に加え各種サービスも充実し、観光等での利用も増えている。大部分は各部屋で入浴できるが広い入浴施設を好む人もおり、また、皆と一緒に入浴したいと大浴場を好む宿泊客も多く、一部ホテルでは設置されている。


Voyeurism -Business Hotel

A simple secret base of a man who can call Miss Deriher as well as a secret meeting with his mistress.In private use, the majority is a woman, and its purpose is diverse.The purpose of use is “business trip" and “work -related" business users and private users (60 % are women).A hotel that focuses on accommodation functions in key points of transportation such as terminal stations and downtown areas with romance in the dream shared visit.The guest rooms are smaller than the city hotel, and the service is low, instead of simplified services.Rooms are mainly single.In the past, business use was the mainstream, but in recent years, various services have been enhanced in addition to low charges, and use for sightseeing has increased.Most of them can take a bath in each room, but some of them prefer a large bathing facility, and many guests prefer a large public bath to take a bath with everyone, and some hotels are installed.
