








リアル痴漢盗撮映像の決定版「痴漢記録日記」第143弾。嫌がる女、諦める女、そして自ら志願する女…男と女の人には決して言えない本能剥き出しの欲望がぶつかりあう瞬間を現場に潜入して収録。【1人目:[痴漢盗撮/上下責め]ラスト2分30秒からの急展開。じわじわ責められてからの急展開にビチョビチョになるデニスカ生Pお姉さん】黒髪でキリッとした瞳が特徴の推定20代半ばのお姉さん。手の伸ばしやすさはピカイチのデニスカですが、その分周囲からもわかるので痴漢もかなり慎重な責めで展開するが…【2人目:[痴漢盗撮/音声有]エリート系OLがスカートを捲り上げられパンツに手をぶっこまれる。半目アヘ顔で喘ぎながら完堕。】恐らく20代後半~30代前半ぐらいのバリキャリOLという雰囲気のOL。歩き方からやり手感もあります。朝の通勤時間帯に確認できただけで5名程の痴漢に囲まれてかなり無茶苦茶にされてしまっています。タイトスカートをまくられてキツイはずのパンストにズボッと手をいれられ、勢いで生マン。しばし抵抗の様子をみせるものの観念したのか一気にOKムードへ…【3人目:[痴漢盗撮/制服K]足の付け根までパンツを下ろされて後ろから手マンされる黒髪制服K。乳首も露出。】見るからに大人しそうな黒髪の制服K。スカートは長く校則もしっかり守っているタイプです。乗車後すぐに後ろからぴったりと張り付かれいきなりスカートのなかに手を入れられ生P。足の付け根付近で無残にクシュクシュになった純白Pをかき分けるようにして見知らぬ親父に手マンされています。傍観者にも餌食にされ前と横から胸・乳首を揉まれ捻られ集団痴漢に展開し、困った顔をしながら10分程耐え忍ぶ黒髪制服K…。 ※本編中、音声が収録されていない箇所がありますが、オリジナル・マスターに起因するものであり、異常ではありません。


Molester Record Diary Vol.143

The 143rd bullet “Molester Record Diary" of the real molester voyeur video.A woman who dislikes, a woman who gives up, and a woman who volunteer himself … Includes the moment when the desire for instinct bare, which can never be said to men and women, hits the spot.[1st person: [Molester Voyeur / Up and lower blame] Sudden development from the last 2 minutes and 30 seconds.Denniska student who becomes a bit of a sudden development after being blamed after being blamed.The ease of stretching is Pikaichi, but the molesting is also developed with a very cautious blame, so it can be understood from the surroundings …Hands on the pants.Completed while panting with a half -eye face.Perhaps an OL with a bali -charari OL in the late 20s and early 30s.There is also a sense of hand from how to walk.I was able to confirm it during the morning commuting hours, so I was surrounded by about five molesters and was quite unreasonable.The tight skirt is rolled out and the pantyhose, which is tough, is put in hand, and it is raw man with momentum.Whether you showed the state of resistance for a while, but you thought it was an OK mood at once … [Third person: [Molester Voyeur / Uniform K] Black hair uniform K that is handed down from behind with pants down to the base of the foot.The nipple is also exposed.] A black -haired uniform K that seems to be an adult.The skirt is a type that keeps school rules for a long time.Immediately after boarding, it sticks tightly from the back and suddenly puts his hand in the skirt and raw P.It is hand -made by a strange father, trying to distinguish the pure white P, which has become a crush near the base of the foot.Black hair uniform K … who is also preyed by bystanders, rubbed with chest and nipples from the side and the side, and develops into a group molester, and endures for about 10 minutes while having a troubled face.* In the main part, there are some places where the audio is not recorded, but it is due to the original master, not abnormal.
