






今回の女の子、見るからに純真無垢。とにかく可愛らしい顔立ちをした美少女です。読書好きで成績優秀な優等生だそうですが、そんな、明晰な頭脳が求める知的好奇心が性的な事へ向いてしまったとき、この汚れを知らない美少女は、大人たちが秘密裏に楽しんでいる性行為に興味を抱いてしまったようで、我々のサークルに訪れるに至りました。貞淑な女の子らしくスカートではなくパンツを着用し、下着などが見えないようにガードしてきた彼女ですが、我々のサークル主催の乱交パーティの会場へ向かう道中、即座に衣服をはぎ取られて隠していた下着はおろか、性器まで剥き出しにされてしまいます。車の通行が多い路上で周囲を走るトラック運転手の好奇の視線が股間に突き刺さると、清楚な彼女の膣口からは早くも愛液が…。ネットリと愛液で密着した肉ビラを拡げさせトロトロの肉壺を露にさせて、バイブを突き立ててやれば即座にメスの吐息を漏らし卑猥なマンコも形の良いオッパイも丸出しのまま、見世物にされる状況に発情しながら、アクメ姿を晒しました。聡明でマジメな子ほど、禁忌を破ってしまったときの性的衝動が大きくなる典型的な反応、明かにドMの資質を持った子でした。ただその反応は我々の想像を遥かにこえる、敏感、過敏、本物の全身性感。日々の妄想生活で培われたのでしょうか。即座に絶頂を迎えて全身をビクンビクンと痙攣させるではありませんか。逸材級の真性ドM資質に興奮が止まりませんでした。乱交ホテル到着し、予め持参命令していた現役時代のリアル制服に着替えさせられると更に妄想が爆発してしまったように発情治まらない様子。視線も虚ろで中年メンバーたちの荒々しい愛撫も抗うことなく、悲鳴とも間違われるような大絶叫で反応します。そしてチンポをハメられた瞬間、場の雰囲気を一変させました【ケダモノのようなアエギ声】。この清楚な外見からは絶対に想像できない狂ったような絶叫です。あまりの衝撃に参加男性たちは驚き、一瞬、たじろぎました。ただ、このサプライズは我々の勃起中枢を激しく刺激して参加男性たちも同様に獣のように、SEXに冒頭そして群がりました。男たちに煽られるたびに淫らに腰をくねらせて何度も何度も絶頂イキまくります。合意の上なのにまるで無理やりヤラれているような反応、妄想少女だから汚い男たちに穢される、悲劇のヒロインにでもなったつもりなのでしょうか?お望み通り、顔・身体・子宮の中まで、精子漬けにしてあげましたがイキすぎの過呼吸で痙攣まで起こしてしまう事態となり…少しやりすぎちゃったかな…とも思いましたが、別日の映像未収録のパーティでも射精の的になりに来るくらいですから、相当な好きものなんだと思います。若くて聡明な女の子にはこういうドMの逸材がまだまだ埋もれていると思うので、これからもサークル活動頑張ろうと思います。 ※本編顔出し


Inner literary beautiful girl disturbing mating breastfeeding oyster

This girl is innocent to see.She is a beautiful girl with a cute face anyway.It seems that she is an excellent student who loves reading and has excellent grades, but when such a clear brain is looking for an intellectual curiosity, adults who do not know this dirt are secretly secret.He seemed to be interested in the sexual activity he was enjoying and came to our circle.She wears pants instead of skirts like a chaste girl, and she has guarded her so that she can’t see her underwear, but on the way to the venue of the orgy party sponsored by our circle, she is immediately crunched and hidden.The underwear is exposed to the genitals.When the curious gaze of a truck driver running around on the road with many cars is pierced into the crotch, love juice is already from her neat vaginal opening.Expanding the flesh -blocked flesh that is in close contact with neti and joy juice, exposing the flesh of the trout, and thrusting the vibe, immediately leaks a scalpel, and the obscene pussy and the well -shaped tits are exposed.While estrus in the situation, I exposed the acme.The more intelligent and serious, the more a typical reaction that increased the sexual impulses when the contraindicated was broken, and the child was clearly with the qualities of de M.However, the reaction is sensitive, irritable, and real whole body sensation that far exceeds our imagination.Was it cultivated in daily delusional life?Isn’t it immediately culminating and cramping the whole body with bikunbikun?The excitement did not stop the genuine de M qualities of the talented class.He arrived at the Orgy Hotel and had to change into a real uniform in the active era, which he had brought in advance, and did not seem to be in estrus as if the delusion had exploded further.The gaze is empty and the rough caress of the middle -aged members does not oppose the rough caress, and it reacts with a scream that is mistaken for a scream.And the moment I was fucked by the cock, I changed the atmosphere of the place [Aegi voice like Kedamono].It is a crazy scream that you can never imagine from this neat appearance.The men who participated were surprised at the shock, and for a moment.However, this surprise stimulated our erection center, and the participating men also flocked to SEX like a beast.Every time the men are fanned, they twist their hips indecently and roll up over and over again.Is it a reaction that’s forced to be forced, even though it’s an agreement, is it going to be a tragedy heroine that is dirty and dirty because it’s a delusional girl?As you want, I picked it up to the face, body, and uterus, but it was a situation that caused convulsions due to overbeating overbreaks … I wondered if I did a little too much …Even a party that has not been recorded comes to the target of ejaculation, so I think it’s a lot of like.I think that this kind of de M is still buried for young and intelligent girls, so I will continue to do my best in circle activities.* The main story appears
