






人妻のファッションインタビューをセレブ住宅地の最高峰・白金台で実施!!勿論ただのインタビューではなくランジェリーチェック、感度チェックもお願いしちゃうエロインタビューです!ナンパ師は超軽-い男!謝礼もありますよという触れ込みの口車に乗せられ奥様達が駐車場のロケ車に乗り込む!!今回参加してくれた奥様はまばゆい位の美人の清水涼子さん28歳。帰国子女、モデル、女優、アナウンサー。そういった雰囲気を合わせ持った奥様です!普通のファンションアンケートをさらっと終わらせ本題に即突入。SEXアンケートです!以外とすんなり話を合わせてくれる奥様。こんな綺麗なのに夜の旦那様は淡白との事。でも真面目な奥様は浮気の経験など無いようです。次はランジェリーのチェック!これをしてくれないと綺麗な人を連れてきた意味が無い!と押せ押せでナンパ師が謝礼を渡して納得させます!恥ずかしがりながら見せてくれる奥様。黒ベースに花柄の超高級そうな下着!!下も上品かつエロティックなデザインのTバックです。これは恐らく上下で3万円以上するヤツです。身体も美しいという言葉しか見当たらないプロポーション。こんな上玉奥さんは今までのナンパロケ史上トップクラスです!!おしりもまた綺麗!!これを見るだけでかなり価値があります!!更に中を見せて欲しいとお願いすると奥さんはそちらが縫いで見せてくれたらとかわそうとしますがすかざずナンパ師脱ぐ→奥さん引っ込みが付かない事にwwパンティを脱がすとパイパン!実は奥さんも脱ぐ前から覚悟を決めてたようでナンパ師がマ〇コをイジリ出しても抵抗しません。「あぁ気持ちいい・・」とすぐに声を上げてしまいます。電マを近づけるとま〇こから白い泡を出しながら即逝き!美人の早漏はエロい!後ろを向かせて何発も電マで逝かせた後、バイブを挿入!!「あぁすごぉい!すごぉい!!」を連発!そしてバイブの底に電マを連結し膣内をバイブレーション!!奥さん一瞬白目を剥いてアヘ顔!変態っぽい奇声を上げてしまいます!こんな美人のアヘ顔!ここほんとヤバい表情で興奮すること間違いなし!そこで奥さん完全撃沈。ホテルに連れ込まれナンパ師の女のようにさせられ快楽を仕込まれるようなセックス!!絶対に見た方がいいです!この映像!! / まばゆいくらいの超絶美人妻登場!!クリと膣内の敏感ポイントや急所を手マンでしつこく調べ尽くされて数十回逝かされる!美人が獣になってしまう超貴重映像!!


A transcendental beautiful married woman like a dazzle!!Chestnuts and the sensitive points and key points in the vagina are persistently examined by hand man and died dozens of times!A super precious video that a beautiful woman becomes a beast!!

A married woman’s fashion interview is held at Shirokanedai, the highest peak of celebrity residential areas!!Of course, it’s not just an interview, but an erotic interview that asks for lingerie check and sensitivity check!Nampa is a super light man!The wives get on the location car in the parking lot, put on a touching mouth that there is also a reward!!The wife who participated this time is Ryoko Shimizu, 28 years old, who is dazzling.Returnee, model, actress, announcer.It is a wife who has such an atmosphere!Finish the ordinary fantasy questionnaire quickly and enter the main subject immediately.SEX questionnaire!A wife who talks smoothly with others.Even though it is such a beautiful, my husband at night is light.But a serious wife doesn’t seem to have any cheating experience.Next is lingerie check!If you don’t do this, there is no point in bringing a beautiful person!The teacher gives a reward and convinces it!A wife who shows me shyly.Ultra -luxury underwear with a black base on a black base!!The bottom is also an elegant and erotic design T -back.This is probably a guy that costs more than 30,000 yen up and down.A proportion that can only be found that the body is beautiful.Such a Kamitama wife is one of the top class in Nampaloke history!!The buttocks are also beautiful!!Just looking at this is quite valuable!!If he asks him to show him further, his wife will try to show it if he shows it, but take off the pick -up teacher.In fact, his wife seems to have been prepared before taking off, so he does not resist even if Nampa puts out Mako."Oh, it feels good …"When you approach the electric massage, you will die immediately with white foam from the kid!Beautiful premature ejaculation is erotic!After dying with electric masses towards the back, insert a vibe!!"Oh great! Amazing !!"Then, connect the electric massage to the bottom of the vibe and vibrate inside the vagina!!My wife strips white eyes for a moment and face!It makes a strange voice like a pervert!Such a beautiful face!There is no doubt that you will be excited with a really dangerous expression here!So his wife was completely destroyed.Sex that is brought to the hotel and made a pleasure in a pleasure!!You should definitely look!This video!!/ Magic Yui’s transcendental beautiful married woman appeared!!Chestnuts and the sensitive points and key points in the vagina are persistently examined by hand man and died dozens of times!A super precious video that a beautiful woman becomes a beast!!
