








偶然出会った車内で瞬く間に繰り広げられる欲望むき出しの反社会的行為。見知らぬ人に公衆の場で無許可で触れて興奮するその行為の真の目的とは。日々満員電車に乗り、痴漢と狙われたターゲットを追い続けた記録映像集第139弾。【1人目:[受入痴漢]電車内でモロ出し痴漢。女子アナ系JDがゆっくりと堕ちていく瞬間。】日○テレ系の女子アナにいそうな清楚系JD。ロングスカートでキリッとした強い目力の女の子が序盤抵抗しながらも徐々に諦めていき偶然遭ったばかりの他人に喘ぎ顔を見せてしまいます。【2人目:[我慢痴漢]満員電車内でポロりする制服○K。強引に後ろから手を突っ込まれて手マンラッシュ。】いかにも真面目そうなチェックに青シャツ、青タイの制服○K。短めのセミロングぐらいで少し茶色がかった髪の毛は地毛かな?目の奥はどこか怯えていて気の弱そうな印象を受けます。この娘が満員電車の中でおっぱいポロりさせながら手マンされちゃいます。【3人目:[強○痴漢]さすが埼○線。社内で絶対1人はいる性格良さそうなOLが満員電車でめちゃくちゃ】偶然目の前にいたので追い撮りなどはありません。さすがの埼○線、序盤こそ大人しめな展開ですが後半はタゲが降りそうな気配を示してからめっちゃくちゃにしちゃっています。 ※本編中、音声が収録されていない箇所がありますが、オリジナル・マスターに起因するものであり、異常ではありません。


Molester Record Diary Vol.139

An antisocial act of exposed desire that happens in a blink of an eye in the car I happened to meet.What is the true purpose of the act of excitement by touching strangers in the public without permission.The 139th record of the recorded video collection that continued to follow the crowded trains every day and continued to follow the target target.[1st person: [accepted molesting] Moro molested on the train.The moment when a female Ana JD falls slowly.] Sunday ○ A neat JD that is likely to be in women’s Ana.A girl with a strong and strong eye power with a long skirt will gradually give up while resisting the early stages, and will show a pant face to another person who just happened to encounter.[2nd person: [Patience molested] Uniform ○ K that pollars on the crowded train.Hands are forcibly thrusted from behind and hand man rush.] A blue shirt, blue Thai uniform ○ kIs the hair that is a little brownish with a short semi -long?The back of my eyes is somewhat scared and I get a weak impression.This girl is hand -man while making her breasts polished on the crowded train.[3rd person: [Strong ○ Molester] As expected, Sai ○ line.There is absolutely one person in the company with a good personality on a crowded train.As expected, the Sai ○ line, the early stage is an adult development, but in the latter half, it has been messed up after showing a sign that the target is likely to fall.* In the main part, there are some places where the audio is not recorded, but it is due to the original master, not abnormal.
