








人が密集すると疼く心と手。見ず知らずの女を公衆の面前で触れ、自分の思い通りになったときの快感。止まらないアドレナリン。そうなったらもう後には戻れない。手遅れになったしまった男と、その対象者(獲物)の記録映像。【1人目:[車内犯]掲示板で有名な公衆便所と化した中年OL。3人がかりで。】掲示板で話題にあがってたOL。少し茶髪のショートカットで鞄は右。ホームにたつと鞄を右手前へ寄せてキョロキョロする。○号車でいつも先頭で待つ。特に胸が弱く下を触りすぎると嫌がることが有りタイツは絶対に破ってはダメ…【2人目:強○ガニ股痴漢。爆乳制服○Kが満員電車の中で集団痴○×公然わいせつ】なかなかありつけない上質のタゲ。ギャルっぽくて好みがわかれる見た目ではあるものの、そのスタイルと反応、表情がもはやOKを超えた変態的な域にまで達している制服○Kです。脚を股に差し込まれ、ガニ股姿で手マンされる様子は圧巻。【3人目:もはやノーパン。凄まじい食い込みのショートカットJDが直立不動で痴漢被害。】こんなパンツ履いている意味があるのかというぐらいの食い込みと、パンパンの巨尻。タイトなミニスカであっても少し除けば尻丸出し状態で囲まれ痴漢被害に遭うショートカットJD。下半身は触られまいと足をぴったりと閉じるも上半身は無残な状態に。 ※本編中、音声が収録されていない箇所がありますが、オリジナル・マスターに起因するものであり、異常ではありません。


Molester Record Diary Vol.138

A painful heart and hands when people are crowded.The pleasure of touching a stranger in front of the public and doing what you want.Adrenaline that does not stop.If that happens, I can’t go back.A record video of a man who was too late and the subject (prey).[1st person: [In -car criminal] Middle -aged OL that became a famous public toilet on the bulletin board.With three people.] OL that was talked about on the bulletin board.The bag is right with a little brown hair shortcut.When you go to the platform, the bag is brought to the right front and it shy.○ I always wait at the top with a car.In particular, if you have a weak chest and you may be disgusted if you touch it too much, you should never break tights …Big breasts uniform ○ k K K in a crowded train is collective slut ○ × public obscene] A high -quality spectacle that is hard to get.Although it looks like a gal and tastes, it is a uniform that has reached a perverted area that has reached OK with its style, reaction, and expression.The legs are inserted into the crotch and handed in the crab crotch is a masterpiece.[3rd person: No panties anymore.The terrible bite shortcut JD is upright and molested.] The bite as much as if it makes sense to wear such pants, and the big buttocks of bread bread.A shortcut JD that is surrounded by a butt -circular state if it excludes a tight mini skirt, and suffers a molester damage.If the lower body is not touched, the legs are closed perfectly, but the upper body is in the undoubtedly.* In the main part, there are some places where the audio is not recorded, but it is due to the original master, not abnormal.
