
密着生撮り 人妻不倫旅行 #109





出演者:密着生撮り 人妻不倫旅行
GoGo’s Core

人妻加代子(38)。初めて出会う男と人妻が一泊二日の小旅行。家庭に問題を抱えた人妻に24時間密着。「自由が・・・欲しいんです・・・。」結婚三年目、は居ない。会社の同僚だった夫とは同世代。周囲が次々と結婚していく中、残った二人は自然と寄り添うようになったと云う。厳しい両親に束縛され育った境遇が共通している二人はすぐに共感し合えたと云う。結婚を機に親元を離れ初めて開放感を味わった二人・・・しかし、夫婦に自由はなかった。夫の母親の過干渉・・・まるで監視されているかのような日々。一生自由になれないのか・・・思いつめた人妻は現実から逃避する。初対面の男性との一夜、人妻は愛する夫も現実も忘れ激しく乱れた・・・。 / 密着生撮り 人妻不倫旅行 #109


Close-up live photo of a married woman’s affair trip #109

Married woman Kayoko (38).A man he meets for the first time and a married woman on a two-day trip.We’ll be close to a married woman who has problems with her family 24 hours a day."I want freedom…" There is no third year of marriage.He is the same age as my husband, who was a colleague at work.As those around them were getting married one after another, the remaining two naturally began to sympathize with each other.The two, who grew up in a common situation where they were bound by strict parents, were able to quickly sympathize with each other.After getting married, the two left their parents and felt a sense of freedom for the first time…but the couple had no freedom.My husband’s mother’s over-interference…the days seemingly as if they were being monitored.Will the married woman be unable to be free for the rest of her life? She is escaping from reality.One night with a man she met for the first time, the married woman was extremely confused and forgot about her beloved husband and reality…/ Close-up live photo of a married woman’s affair trip #109



