
人生紀行 #030 ~明日の為に今日は在る~ 遼子38歳の場合





GoGo’s Core
素人 熟女 三十路 旅行 旅館 浴衣 ハメ撮り 美乳

その時、女は人生を振り返る―。人生の折り返し地点に立った女が過去の自分とひと時の邂逅・・・。人妻不倫旅行スピンオフ企画・高橋浩一監督作品。遼子38歳・結婚歴・子供無し。「過去なんてどれだけ辛くても良い・・・大切なのは未来に繋がる今だから・・・」自由な姉と奔放な弟に挟まれて育った少女は他人と接するのが苦手だった。小学校の高学年から中学時代にかけて受けた苛めが原因で体調を崩し高校進学を諦めた。15歳で社会に出た少女の初めての恋愛は19歳の頃、派遣の契約社員として働いていた会社の同僚と。全てが新鮮だった最初の恋愛も半年程度で終わり、その後長く交際した人はいたものの結婚には至らなかった。節目である40歳が目前に迫った女は心機を一転する為に人生を振り返る旅に出る・・・。 / 人生紀行 #030 ~明日の為に今日は在る~ 遼子38歳の場合


Life Travel # 030 ~ For tomorrow, there is today ~ Ryoko 38 years old

At that time, the woman looks back on her life.A woman who stands at the turning point of life meets her past self.A married woman affair travel spin -off project, directed by Koichi Takahashi.Ryoko 38 years old, no marriage, no children."The past is so painful that the important thing is now that leads to the future …I got sick and gave up on high school because of the bullying I received from the upper grades of elementary school to junior high school.The first romance of a girl who came to society at the age of 15 was a colleague of a company who worked as a temporary contract employee at the age of 19.The first romance, which was all fresh, ended in about six months, and some people had long dating, but did not get married.A woman, 40 years old, is approaching a milestone, goes on a journey to look back on her life to turn her heart./ Life journey # 030 -If you are 38 years old today for tomorrow
