







「元“Swe*t”ちゃんの桃尻に、カンチョー」今度こそ、画撮↑ でお分かりいただけたでせうか  。

30分以上に亙って、こってりと。内、Tバックど接近時間≒5分(注:インタビューの声付きおツーケー  )
なお、前回、“エグクイーン(104)”で、『師の左側に、これまたずうずうしいライバルがニョキッとすきを窺っておるではありませぬかっ!』とご説明申し上げましたが、訂正いたします。アレは、単なる順番待ちでありました。その証拠に、その後、“隠密○○師”とかわるがわるのようにポジションを獲得出来ただけでなく、さらに、「では、またねっ」と歩きだしたカノジョのおツーケーを、師にぶちかまさることもなく  90秒に亙ってくっつき撮影が出来たことからも明らかであります。それにしても、追いかけられたおツーケーもお疲れでしょうが、追いかけたおツーケーもお疲れさま。




2317 / “Possession shooting / race queen has been visible (19)"

2317 / “Possession shooting / race queen has been visible (19)"

“Former" SWE * T “-chan’s peach butt, Kancho" This time, you can see in the picture ↑.

For more than 30 minutes.Inside, T -back approaching time ≒ 5 minutes (Note: Two -cage with interviews)
In addition, the last time, “Eg Queen (104)", “On the left side of the teacher, this is not a rivalry again!], But I will correct it.That was just waiting.The evidence is that not only was it possible to get a position as if it were called “Deal -Design XX Master", but also the kanojo’s bottle of kanojo, who started walking with “again," to the teacher.It is also clear from the fact that it was able to take a picture over 90 seconds.Even so, you may be tired of the chased two -Ke, but the chasing two -Ke is also tired.

In the last 18 minutes, there are three black leotards at other events.

/ 1800 yen → 1600 yen (60 minutes)
* This work will be delivered with a completely digital specification of digital original board →.
