






人妻のファッションインタビューをセレブ住宅地の最高峰・白金台で実施!!勿論ただのインタビューではなくランジェリーチェック、感度チェックもお願いしちゃうエロインタビューです!ナンパ師は超普通の外見の男達!謝礼もありますよという触れ込みで時間つぶしにと怪しまれること無く奥様達を駐車場のロケ車に乗り込ませます!!今回の奥様はあゆみさん29歳。おしゃれでお顔の可愛の人妻!声も素敵だし、ずっと見ていたくなるような女性です!!ヨガで汗を流してきたところを話しかけて連れ込みに成功!!普通のファンションアンケートをしれっと終わらせ本題のシモネタアンケートに即突入。夫婦の営みはやはり少なめ。子供もいますが理想のSEX回数は週2回との事!さっき会ったがかりの男といきなりエロ話をしてちょっと下半身がむずむずしてきてきたのでは?というタイミングでランジェリーチェック!やんわりと拒否しますがファッションという事を強調、謝礼でなんとか納得させてご拝見!!黒とベージュのコンビネーションでハート柄のエロ可愛い下着!もちTバックです!少しずつ顔を赤らめる奥様!下を向きがちですが目は女っぽくなっています!!ここ重要!なにかを期待している奥様の表情を見逃さず、即下着の下の敏感な部分の感度チェックを遂行。ここまでくるとあまり抵抗がありません!ま〇こはしっとり濡れている事間違い無し!乳首を舐めるとすぐ声を上げてしまいます!!ナンパ師、奥様の背後に回り込んで黒いパンティの上からクリを高速でカリカリ擦る!!跳ね上がるように腰を突き出して昇天する奥様!!まだまだやって欲しい!とアピールするかのような逝き様!!調子に乗ったナンパ師、手マン、ローター、電マを駆使してどこが気持ちいいのか調べ尽くします!!奥様はまな板の鯉状態!ホテルでのセックスを覚悟しちゃいます!!そして午後の日差しが漏れる高級ホテルでの激情のカラミ、マジヤバ過ぎる・・・騙されたと思って見て下さい!美人妻がアナルを指でほじられて逝き、電マアタッチメントを過呼吸になるほど突っ込まれ海老ぞりで絶頂を繰り返す!!抜ける事間違い有りません!! / ありえない程可愛い人妻を白金台でゲット!!アナルで逝くシロガネーゼ!!潮も大量噴き!!


Get a cute married woman in Shirokanedai!!Siroganese dies in anal!!A large amount of tide spouts!!

A married woman’s fashion interview is held at Shirokanedai, the highest peak of celebrity residential areas!!Of course, it’s not just an interview, but an erotic interview that asks for lingerie check and sensitivity check!Nampa teachers are super ordinary men!The wives will board the location car in the parking lot without being suspicious of killing time due to the touch that there is also a reward!!This wife is Ayumi 29 years old.A cute and cute married woman with a face!She’s a nice voice and she’s a woman who wants to see it all the time!!Talk about where you sweated with yoga and succeed in taking you!!After a normal fantasy questionnaire, immediately enter the Simoneta questionnaire of the main subject.The couple’s work is still small.There are children, but the ideal number of SEX times are twice a week!Perhaps the lower body was a little difficult to talk about erotic talk with the man I met.Lingerie check at the timing!I will refuse it, but emphasize that fashion is emphasized, and I understand with a reward and look at it!!Heart pattern erotic underwear with black and beige combination!It is a mochi T -back!A wife who blushes little by little!It’s easy to turn down, but my eyes are feminine!!Here is important!We did not miss the expression of his wife who is expecting something, and performs sensitivity check of sensitive parts under the underwear immediately.At this point, there is not much resistance!There is no doubt that it is moist and wet!As soon as you lick your nipples, you will raise your voice!!Nampa, wrap around his wife and rub the chestnut at high speed from the black panties!!A wife who sticks out his hips as if he jumped up!!I want you to do it more!And as if appealing!!Use the nampa master, hand man, rotor, and electric massage to find out what feels good!!The wife is a carp state of a cutting board!I’m prepared for sex at the hotel!!And the passionate karami at a luxury hotel that leaks the sunshine in the afternoon is too much …A beautiful wife dies with her fingers with her fingers, and she is thrust into the electric maatatchement and repeats the peak with shrimp sleds!!There is no doubt that you will get out!!/ Get a cute married woman in Shirokanedai!!Siroganese dies in anal!!A large amount of tide spouts!!
