妖艶な肉体を喪服で包み込んだ未亡人は夫の命日に犯される 篠田れいこ
夫が他界して3回忌を迎えた命日に彼の同僚である大島が慰問にやって来た、夫は生前大学教授でありその教え子であったレイコ、半年に一度は一人暮らししているレイコの家に顔を出していた大島だが、彼の口から「去年の命日に何があったのか?」を聞かれて・・・元キャバクラ嬢だったレイコだが、1年前の命日に突然現れた店長に喪服姿のまま暴行され、その様子を夫の教え子でありレイコの同級生であった浜中に見られてしまっていていた今だに夫の事が忘れられないレイコに対して大島がとった行動は・・・喪服姿に身を包んだ「篠田れいこ」の今までにない大人しく控えめで色気出まくりの妖艶な未亡人セックスを堪能してみては如何ですか? / 妖艶な肉体を喪服で包み込んだ未亡人は夫の命日に犯される 篠田れいこ
Reiko Shinoda, who wraps a bewitching body with mourning clothes, is fucked by her husband’s death day.
On the anniversary of her husband, his colleague Oshima came for comfort on the anniversary of the third anniversary, her husband was a professor in her life, Reiko, a student, in Reiko’s house, who lives alone every six months.Oshima was out, but his mouth asked, “What happened last year’s anniversary?" Reiko was a former cabaret club, but she suddenly appeared on the anniversary of a year ago.Oshima took the action of Reiko, who was still assaulted in mourning, and was seen in Hamanaka, a classmate of Reiko and Reiko’s classmate.・ ・ ・ How about enjoying the unprecedented, modest, modest and sexy wealthy sex of “Reiko Shinoda", dressed in mourning clothes?/ The widow who wrapped her bewitching body in her mourning clothes is Reiko Shinoda, who is fucked by her husband’s death day